Tuesday, 9 July 2013

An evening at Lords...

As I mentioned in my June favourites, the word cricket will probably feature a lot on this blog, due to the fact that I watch my brothers play a lot. A few evenings ago, I headed up to St. John's Wood, London to enjoy a twenty20. I'm sure that if you are unfamiliar with the game of cricket then this won't mean much to you but basically it's the shortest style of the game, it draws in a big crowd, and is a bunch of fun to watch - in my opinion.

At these sorts of games they are always handing out encouraging props followed by a donation to a charity, and this year this comes in the form of a card helmet.

With this said, I think images are necessary, so here you go...

The crowds heading to the ground...

Making our way inside...

Ready to watch with my card helmet...

I rate this as a way of showing where my support lies...

Rocking the headwear with my Lennons...

The ground was packed...

This picture just is immense...

There he is...

The pantherettes - the less said about them the better...

The sun setting on a beautiful day at Lords...


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