Monday, 24 June 2013

Tattoos and Piercings...

So, I have been considering getting more ear piercings for a while and think I am finally going to give in to these desires this summer. Most of the inspiration has been from images found whilst wasting away hours on pinterest - which I will insert below. I have doubts about whether it will suit me because I seem to be one of those people who can't really pull off much, I don't know if other people feel this way but I will look at someone who is very similar to me but can pull off something I most certainly cannot. :-( Maybe it's me being a girl about things, but I will keep you updated on the piercing front.

When discussing piercings, I thought that I would add tattoos to the mix. I always used to detest tattoos and see them as pointless and horrendous, and now that I have been subjected to more tasteful forms of the bodyart I am less narrow-minded on the topic, but still don't think I would make the dedication to one.

This post is really odd, but I thought that I would put those hours of scrolling through pinterest to use, and share what I think is rad in the piercing/tattoo front. So here it goes...

I really like the idea of having lots of piercings with random studs...

Just like this too...

However, I think I would best suit fewer piercings...

Apologies for using an image of K (don't know which one) Jenner, but I like these three close together...

Now for tatts...

I think this is really unique...

It is probably the black and white image making this look good, but I dig it...

I would totally get this, if I could easily remove it in 5/10 years...
Okay, so evidently I like moons - who knew? But I really love finger tattoos and would get this too, only if it lasted fore a few years though. The idea of forever is just too much for me...

I'd love to see what piercings and tattoos you like,



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